Yoga Classes
Cost of Group Classes
£15 Drop in / Pay as you go
£45 Block of 4 classes, to be used within 4 consecutive weeks
£150 Block of 15 sessions, to be used within 15 consecutive weeks
Sessions can be used at any of my group yoga classes.
Book your next block now!

“Annabel's yoga class leaves me feeling very calm and relaxed. I find yoga gives me a sense of physical and mental well-being and is an excellent way to help deal with stress.”
Judith Taylor
"I leave the classes feeling renewed having received all that I needed and what I did not know I needed."
Sonia Brown

For yoga in the park:
We meet at Queen's Park, Caterham - subject to weather. Give me your mobile number if you want to receive my Friday notifications about Saturday park yoga.
For online classes:
Click on the link to get the login details for each class.
For private yoga:
Contact me for details.
Annabel Yoga classes are all suitable for beginners as well as more experienced yogis of all ages and abilities. Everyone is encouraged to work at their own level.

"Annabel's yoga classes were recommended to me a while ago but due to work and commuting etc, I struggled to get into a routine. Lockdown has been a revelation as Annabel's zoom classes have meant that I have been able to do classes on a weekly basis. I had been sceptical as to how she could accommodate all abilities within a class, but she manages it seamlessly.
Though I regard myself as a beginner, I never feel out of my depth. Annabel's teaching style is very clear. She goes out of her way to make sure that everyone benefits from the classes and has a very nice way of saying when someone is not quite doing a pose properly!
I have found that the classes help my sleep, flexibility and lower back. One of my cats also enjoys the classes and invariably sits on me for part of them!!"
Rebecca Brown
Outdoor Yoga
These classes started during lockdown and are here to stay, despite the British weather. I polled my students about taking this class into a hall (Sept'22) and they voted overwhelmingly to stay outdoors.
Join us for one session and experience the joy of yoga in nature for yourself.
Those who had worried they'd feel too self conscious, have found that once the yoga class started they barely noticed anything outside the yoga class. There is so much going on in the park that people rarely give us a second glance. So come on. Don't be shy. Give outdoor yoga a try. It's glorious.
Zoom Forever
Zoom was the other gift of lockdown. Some of my classes will now remain on Zoom indefinitely.

Class Schedule
In-Person Yoga in Caterham
Mondays 7pm - 8:30pm
Centenary Hall, CR3 5PA
Tuesdays 8pm-9:30pm
Soper Hall, CR3 6HY
Thursdays 9:30am-11am
Queen's Park Pavilion, CR3 5RB
Saturdays 9:30am-11am
Outdoors in the Park, CR3 5RB
Yoga on Zoom
Private Yoga Sessions
Available via Zoom or in person.
How to join
Fill in a health questionnaire if you are new to me or haven't been to my classes for a long time.
Decide which class you wish to attend and email me to let me know. If you are new to me you will receive payment details in your confirmation.
Turn up to class with a yoga mat (if you have one, if not a blanket or towel will do), water, a blanket for relaxation and anything else you might need to make you comfortable.
No Saturday yoga until March 2025.
No yoga on Saturday 22 March.